Stevie is a Bills fan already! She’s the sweetest and doing really great!
Hi Kathy, I adopted Lily from you back in April. I just wanted to send you some updated pictures of her and let you know that she’s doing great! We all love her so much and couldn’t imagine our life without her! Everyone she meets absolutely loves her! She has the best personality! I hope you’re doing well!
Hey Kathy! I got Lexi from you last year. She’s a year old now. Here’s some pics of her. She’s doing great and is an amazing dog. She is surely loved
Hi Kathy!
We got Callie from you in December 2020. Her mom is Emma. I wanted to let you know that she was just certified as a therapy dog. She is the best dog!
We got Callie from you in December 2020. Her mom is Emma. I wanted to let you know that she was just certified as a therapy dog. She is the best dog!
Hello!! Barnette at our sons soccer game today and then going out for ice cream tonight! He weighs 80 pounds and has had 0 health issues since we got him. I just thought I’d give an update lol 🙂
We love him soooo much he’s such a lovie!! Lol
We love him soooo much he’s such a lovie!! Lol
Hi! Just wanted to share that our sweet (mischievous) baby Enzo is getting so big and learning so much every day! Like how to steal socks, dig in the yard, and escape mom and dad (especially outside)! But more importantly, that he goes potty outside every time (has been doing so well for awhile now!), how to walk nice on a leash, sit, give paw, stay and come (still working on this one 😅), and how much he is loved! We are so grateful for him every day, even when he drives us nuts! He really is such a good boy and we love him to death ❤️
He absolutely adores the water. We got him a puppy pool and he loves to splash and lay in it ❤️
Our Griffey is doing wonderful. He has settled in great!! We just love him💙
Sully is settling in nicely. He’s just the sweetest boy!
Jeter is doing great!
Hi! Just wanted to let you know that Melly is doing great!! She’s a happy, healthy puppy!
And here she is on a boat! Living quite the adventurous life! Thank you for her 😊
And here she is on a boat! Living quite the adventurous life! Thank you for her 😊
Hi Kathy - I just wanted to let you know that Finnegan (Finn) has been doing great. He loves his food, his big brother and his new home. He and Brody get along great, and love to play with each other. Brody turned 3 a week ago!
Hi Kathy, we want to let you know our girl Summer has transitioned beautifully! She so smart and has the best temperament, and enough “puppy” in her to keep things interesting EVERY minute that she’s awake - haha! She’s spends a lot of time outside and has already been in 2 different creeks and loved it! Anyway, thank you and kudos to you for being an amazing breeder! Credit goes to you for preparing her so well to join our family ❤️.
Hi Kathy! I hope you have been doing well. You wanted to show you what Gus looks like at a year old! He is the sweetest dog. He just loves to cuddle and this is the first time we have had a dog like that, so we are really enjoying it! He really is such a GREAT dog! ❤️
Hi this is Sullivan from the October 2021 litter. He thinks he’s still a lapdog!! He has the best personality ever!
I couldn’t ask for a better dog!! Thank you!!!
I couldn’t ask for a better dog!! Thank you!!!
Ada is the best Golden and we love her so much!
Needed to share his ten week old picture and him today all posed with you!! Pilot is an absolute angel, thank you again!! 🩵🩵
Hi! Wanted to send some pictures of Duke. He is the BEST boy ever! He is the most loving, curious, attentive, and now jealous (new kitty🤗) pup. He is as lovable as they come❤️
Our Goldens are the BEST and we love them both so much! Thank you!!
We named her Venus 🥰 she is loved so much. Thank you again for her and your kindness!
Brody just turned 1!!! We all love him so much, he’s a great addition to our family!
Hi! I just wanted to give you a little update. We found Tuckers sister, Summer, at Lake Ontario in Webster. We are puppy sitting for her today. Just wanted to share! Thanks again for our sweet boy❤️
Beautiful Bosco at 6 months old! 💙
Rowdy. 1 year old today! He’s a wonderful family dog, we love him so much!
Good morring my blessing turns one today thanks again for shuch a great addition to the family!
4 weeks in and Harley is doing great!
Hello, Happy New Year! This is Ollie. He is so handsome!
Brody has been a wonderful pup. Can’t believe he is a year old already. Thank you for him, he has been a Blessing!
We 💚 our Lola!!
I think she is adjusting well💛💛💛 thank you for everything!!!!
Denver turned 8 months old on Friday! We all are sending you wishes for Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
He is already growing!! Such a sweet boy!
In honor of her turning one Saturday she got her first Grooming 🥺❤️
She’s the perfect addition! After we posted about our new pup, we had four friends ask for your number—just heads up that you might be getting some phone calls on your next litter! Thank you again!
Things are going well! She’s adjusting well, not a huge fan of her crate yet but that was expected!
Finn is doing really well! He's growing too fast!
Hi Kathy, the little guy is doing great!